Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Five Half-Truths about Classroom

it is very intersting and important article about classroom management. The author said,

''Students are motivated to please teachers who they like. They will actively work to maintain positive relationships that are established, and avoid negative behaviors that could jeopardize those relationships.''

 I agree with the author, a good relationship between teachers and students are very important. In my experience I can assure that the relation between teacher and students can affect the management of the clasroom . There must be respect and love in the classroom. when students attach to their teacher that will lead to success. If teachers understand their students' needs ,emotions ambitions and requrements, the goal of teaching will be achieved .The students not only pass their exams but also they will be inspired by a good example in their lives .

Here are  different examples of teachers :




  1. Management is a matter of students' experiences, needs and interests. Teachers should build a good friendly relationship with their students which will consequently be reflected on their behaviour inside the classroom.

  2. Thanks for sharing these videos with us! Thank you for Randy's last lecture! It was a source of inspiration for me and my students a few years ago and I am glad that you reminded me. "Never underestimate the value of having fun!" "If you really live your life properly, the dreams will come to you!"
