Wednesday, November 7, 2012

In the beginning of the last session we were all surprised when Dr Joyanne asked us to think of methods to  teach  her Arabic . It was the first time for most of us to do it . It is our language but I never think I will have this chance to do it . So we have a goal to achieve in so simple way as possible . The mission had to be finished in three hours so our group had to teach her listening and speaking . Wow ! Using technology is so fun and it made our mission possible .Collaboration , integration ,interaction and loving what you do are very important element for success . When I saw the fun we had when we were together sharing the same goal , I  felt sorry for my students because they rarely have that chance . In our public  schools in Egypt , crowded classes which are  full of students and desks , there is no space for any activity that has fun or even allows  all students to share . Sometimes maybe some of them can take part of activities but not anytime or anywhere. . In our curriculum, teaching facts is the main purpose , that reminds me of Hard times  ( Charles Dickens), anyway we have fun and learnt a lesson that teaching is not just facts or as we learnt before or showing them technology as we do in schools .The important lesson here is  involving them using technology on their own . It isn't difficult for Dr. Joyanne to find sources for learning Arabic through the internet but she wanted to involve us in using technology by ourselves . That was the goal of our last session because she informed us to bring our own technological devices . '' Bring Your Own Technological  Devices'' ( BYOTD)

PS '' visit wiki to watch what we did in that session .''
wow ! We use blogs , turnitin , wiki,  blackboard and what next ?


  1. You are right Elham. Our students don't have enough chances for sharing in work and have fun as we had in our last session but this is because the great numbers of students in each class and they don't have the technological devices we that have. We can use technology to modify our curriculum to be enjoyable and effective at the same time.

  2. You are right Elham. Our students don't have enough chances for sharing in work and have fun as we had in our last session but this is because the great numbers of students in each class and they don't have the technological devices that we have. We can use technology to modify our curriculum to be enjoyable and effective at the same time

  3. It was really an exciting and challenging activity in the same time.

  4. Sharing with others is the key to really understand , have fun and learn I really envey our students fo having that joy

  5. Thanks for working so hard on that day! I am looking forward to visiting the wiki to begin my own learning journey!
